Saturday, 29 March 2014

The chosen one!

What a week deciding which blocks we wanted in our top 8, whether our chosen house would fit, how big a block if we want and how much did we want to spend.
We were fortunate that our conveyancer was very familiar with our estate and offered much insight into what we needed to look for in a block. This was incredibly useful info because land plans are not my area of expertise. I also found out over the week through various conversations with people at land sales office what blocks were likely to be gone before we got to our #8 choice.

So after a week of chats with the bank and conveyancer, we nutted out our top 8!

Mum, Dad and I headed to our Saturday morning appointment filled with excitement and a little fear. Were we crazy for deciding on all of this in such a short time. Had we considered alternatives etc.

We were thrilled in the end to get our 3rd choice block........ 497m2 of land that was reasonably flat, on our first choice street across the road rom a waterway that would never be built on. Excited is an understatement.

This choice of block also meant we had chosen our house because being only 15m wide we could not go with the Coral Home we had in mind. An Eden Brae Hawthorne 31 it was. Due to special condition by the CDC we were able to fit a larger home on a smaller block as long as it was between 450-499 m2.
We signed some paperwork, received a goody bag from the estate and paid a deposit on the land.

Next we headed to Eden Brae and paid a deposit for our dream home. We were now locked in!

 This is the outside of the display home
 1564 - our little piece of heaven
This is as close as we can get to the land at the moment as it has yet to be subdivided.

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